Oct 19, 2009

VOID self (temporarily out of reach)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At times I go through a plethora of emotions and I m not sure why am I so perplexed????????? I totally lose interest in whatever I do and I guess each one of us at some point of time, pass through this phase of emptiness. Well I call this “VOID phase”. Life is wily at times and we find it monotonous and flat. At this point we feel stagnant and sluggish, a state where anguish soars and level of confidence sours. Maybe this is why we go through this phase. I am trying to figure out the reason solely based on my experience. This phase of “nothingness” (as I call it) turns me into a completely new person I am unaware of for a brief period of time. I am not referring to the usual mood swings that we go through due to various emotional factors.

In this intermittent state, I remain aloof, barely talking to people. May be because I don’t want them to know I could be so emotional or may be a bit of pride in admitting I m distressed. I become arid and all liveliness drains out of me. Even the smallest discomfort can make me shed tears (though not very often).An all time low confidence courts me and I am in constant search for reassurances from anywhere and anybody. I just turn into a zombie (not generalizing… this is about me...)

Off late I have started doing a bit of research to prevent falling into this momentous unapproachable status. One thing I have found that trying out new things or pursuing what we like the most can definitely push us on and on. Actually I feel better when I have vented my thoughts through this write up. So I just figured out a way to avert the “out of reach” state. So it’s just that out of bloom we find our fixes. And this effort has to come from us (self realization!!!).

I haven’t done with the research part and it will keep continuing. Next time I will definitely come up with a lot more ways to stop drooling back to the VOID state.